The Best Back to School Supplies for 2020

back to school suppliesIt is that time of year again! Time to say goodbye to the leisurely days of summer to return to school! For many, that means juggling multiple tasks and studying from your Oakland apartment.

This can be stressful and that is why we have put together a list of the top back school supplies for 2020. 

Paper Planner

Despite the fact that much of our studying has gone completely digital, students of all ages are turning to paper notebooks and planners! There is something satisfying about writing down tasks, dates, and notes and then crossing them off when they are complete that a digital planner just doesn’t fulfill.

These planners are a colorful and popular option to consider.

Wireless Headphones

With so many people working, schooling, and studying at home, it can be distracting. Purchasing a good set of wireless headphones can be a lifesaver. Target has several options including these wireless Bluetooth headphones by Marshall Major.

3-Ring Binders

Binders are a great way to keep organized! Select a sturdy binder with a pocket for each subject. You can easily add lined paper, tests, and assignments to the binder! Don’t forget the three-hole punch! Both can be purchased at Staples.

Note Taking Tools

Did you know that you better retain information if you write it down? It is true; that is why pens, pencils, erasers, and highlighters remain as a must-have back to school supply! Taking notes also keeps your hands busy, meaning you will not be distracted with other apps or text messages.

Laptop and Printer

A laptop and printer are essential tools for studying from your Oakland apartment. This link highlights some of the best laptops for the 2020 school year.  

A printer is another must-have for the school year. This article by TechRadar includes the features and prices of printers that are recommended for students. You can also use the wireless printing station at your Orion apartment in Oakland.

These must-have supplies will make studying in your Oakland apartment less stressful and more productive.